Véronique Brun Ramousse - Partage de l'étayage entre un enseignant et un EIAH lors d'une séance en Biologie

Organized by: 
Hamid Chaachoua
Véronique Brun Ramousse


La soutenance se déroulera le Jeudi 9 juillet 2020 à 14h à la Salle Annie Génovèse - Bâtiment Michel Dubois - 1251 avenue centrale - 38400 Saint Martin d’Hères (dans la limite des places autorisées).


Membres du jury :

  • Jean-Marie Boilevin, professeur, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, rapporteur
  • Yann Lhoste, professeur, Université des Antilles, pôle Martinique, rapporteur
  • Berta Barquero, profesora lectora, Universitat de Barcelona, examinatrice
  • Philippe Dessus, professeur, Université Grenoble Alpes, examinateur
  • Magalie Gallezot, maître de conférences, Université Paris Sud 11, examinatrice
  • Hamid Chaachoua, professeur, Université Grenoble Alpes, co-directeur de thèse
  • Patricia Marzin-Janvier, professeure, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, directrice de thèse


The object of this thesis is to establish the way of scaffolding (Bruner, 1983) by teacher with TEL-system (Technology Enhanced Learning).for proposing new scaffolds to transpose in TEL-System.
A double theoretical framework has been made of with, on the one hand, the praxeological component of the anthropological theory of didactics (Bosch & Chevallard, 1999) modeling the knowledge at stake and the way of teaching (Artaud, 2003) and, on the other hand, the framework of a teacher's professional knowledge (Shulman, 1986).
A teaching session on brain plasticity in the high school biology classes was developed and has been transposed into the LabNbook platform (D’Ham et al, 2019).
The experiment took place in two parts: firstly, interviews with the four volunteer teachers made it possible to co-design the mission in LabNbook and secondly, the four teachers carried out the session with their class.
Co-scaffolding is a concept which has been little explored until now. It can be organized differently, going from over-scaffolding to fruitful collaboration. This organization depends mostly on the teacher's epistemology, which chooses the degree of freedom to be left to the student. When co-designing the session, there is a balance between institutional constraints and the teacher's epistemology, epistemology being all the more decisive in the choice of scaffolding by the teacher since the latter has professional experience in the class level considered. When doing the session, this balance is broken and teacher epistemology is expressed mainly due to the constraints of the class.
These elements of analysis make it possible to propose the implementation of new supporting elements in the LabNbook platform such as 1) formalization in the scientific process of a step so far  implicit: the production of results from data, 2) a scaffolding allowing to reduce choices of the pupils in particular during the formulation of the hypotheses, 3) the explicitation of new ressources corresponding to the knowledge regularly mobilized by four teachers but also 4) the explicitation of elements allowing the manipulation of the LabNbook platform.