LIG Multidisciplinary Engineering Team - PIMLIG

Multidisciplinary Engineering Team - PIMLIG

LIG research relies on important experimental and technological support structured around technological platforms in constant evolution.

Support engineers of PIMLIG take care of:

  • design and deployment of the platforms,
  • design and development of research prototypes and demonstrators,
  • carrying out experiments together with researchers and faculty.

Patrick Reignier leads the PIMLIG Team.

The PIMLIG support engineers have a large scope of skills and competence so one of the important roles of the director is to match the requirements of different research teams with specific expertise of the engineers.

The expertise includes:

Audio and multimodal analysis for assitied living: Michel Vacher.

High performance computing and cloud: Pierre Neyron.

Psycho-sociological studies and user centric design: Nadine Mandran.

Informatics for socio-economy: Mahfoud Boudis.

Software engineering and linguistics: Jean-Philippe Guilbaud, German Vega.

Ambient intelligence, sensor and wireless networks, robotics and interaction: Étienne Dublé, Amaury Nègre, Michael Ortega.

Usage and mediation, Smart home, RFID enginnering: Sylvie Humblot.