Interaction Homme-machine - le passage du novice à l'expert

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Gilles Bailly (CNRS; Telecom ParisTech; University Paris-Saclay) donne un séminaire sur ses travaux dans le domaine de l'interaction Homme-machine (le passage du novice à l'expert) cet après-midi à 13h en salle des séminaires.

Brief Bio :
Gilles Bailly is researcher at the CNRS institute and Telecom ParisTech Laboratory since 2013. Previously, he was post-doctoral researcher at Cluster of Excellence of multimodal interaction (2013), Max-Planck Institute für Informatics (2012), Telekom Innovation Laboratories (2011-2012). He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Grenoble. Gilles Bailly is author or co-author of more than 50 peer-reviewed publications. His work has been awarded the Best Paper Award and Best Paper Honorable Mention at ACM CHI five times since 2012 and one time at ACM MobileHCI (2014). Several of his works such as ShoeSense or iSkin received a lot of attention in the medias. He has served on a number of program committees such as ACM CHI or ACM ITS.
His research is in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), focused on understanding and improving command selection, an important task in HCI. He especially focuses on the transition from novice to expert behaviors. He designs novel interaction techniques, build predictive models of performance and develop optimization methods. Applications include traditional desktop workstations, mobile devices, interactive public displays, gesture-based interaction, wearable computing, augmented reality and interactive visualization.

The introduction of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in 1981 played a major role in the democratization of interactive systems in office work, games, medicine, health, finance, etc. Millions of users now spend several hours per day to select commands and applications either on their desktop workstation, smartphone, tablet or wearable devices (e.g. smartwatch).
However, many users maintain suboptimal interaction techniques for months, years, or even decades, which have serious implications on productivity and satisfaction.
In this talk, I will present the main challenges of command selection as the most fundamental task in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and review the lastest advances to favor the transition from novice to expert behavior.