Leila Ben Saad (ENIT) - Addresses coding in wireless sensor networks

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- En salle D102 à Inria Rhône-Alpes

Biography : Leila Ben Saad received a PhD in computer science from the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon in 2011 and a M.S. degree in networking, telecommunication services from INSA Lyon in 2008. Former, she received an engineering degree in computer networks and telecommunications from INSAT in 2007. She performs research in wireless sensor networks and 6LoWPAN networks with a focus on network lifetime improvement and energy-efficient protocols. From October 2008 to September 2011, she taught at the University Claude Bernard of Lyon. From October 2011 to August 2012, she was Assistant professor (ATER) at INSA Lyon and worked at the Centre of Innovation in Telecommunications and Integration of services (CITI). Since October 2012, she has been an assistant professor at ENIT.

Improving the network lifetime of multi-hop wireless sensor networks under resource constraint is a challenging problem. In fact, the network lifetime can be increased through energy saving techniques such as energy-efficient protocols. However, one of the most promising research directions to overcome the network lifetime problem is the compression. Indeed, compression consists in minimizing the size of packets transmitted by the sensors. Nevertheless, compression deals only with data while addresses compression is not considered. In this work, Slepian-Wolf source coding and address allocation are used jointly in wireless sensor networks to reduce the size of the transmitted addresses. Our simulation findings demonstrate significant gains in network lifetime, while keeping energy dissipation at very satisfactory levels even in cluster based and multi-hop networks.