Alexandre Petrenko - Myths and Facts in Model-Based Testing

Organisé par : 

Catherine Oriat

Intervenant : 

Alexandre Petrenko (CRIM, Canada)

Alexandre Petrenko, chercheur au CRIM, Canada, effectuera un séminaire le vendredi 15 juin à 10h en salle H103 (bâtiment Télécom en face de l’Ensimag sur le campus).

Myths and Facts in Model-Based Testing

Myths and Facts in Model-Based Testing

In this talk, we discuss the current research in Model-Based Testing and present several personal observations about it. Our focus is on those aspects which cause discordant opinions and lead some researchers to take different positions. Motivated by the observation that the two MBT communities on testing, from IOTS and from FSM, evolve mostly in isolation from each other, we consider these two basic models and try to confront IOTS and FSM testing approaches. At the same time, we also indicate their commonalities which seem to be often overlooked. We conclude by pointing to several open problems in MBT research.